Looking to
Find Freedom from

Don’t let Anger steal your peace,
harm your relationships and stress you out!

The last few years have been emotionally challenging years for everyone.  And today we can see that anger is a growing factor in how we interact with others in our society.  

Perhaps we find ourselves irritated, annoyed and angry with the everyday things in our life.  It could be a comment from a colleague, some article on the web,  or the slow driver in front of us.

One moment we are fine and the next moment we are boiling over with anger or trying to stuff our irritation so it doesn’t spill out.

We don’t always stop to consider.  What is wrong with us (and that person…)?  Why does it seem that we find ourselves going irritating situation to another?

Can we agree on this?

A life that is stressed by anger is not the life that we want.  Or the life that God designed us for.

Maybe that’s why 84% of Americans believe
that we are angrier now
than we were compared to a generation ago.

And a significant 42% of us
have felt angrier in the past 12 months
than in the past.

Anger is an issue and each of us faces a choice.

We can choose to believe that we can manage our Anger and keep on going.

Or we can decide that we will not settle with anger, irritation, frustration and other negative emotions weighing us down in life. 

But how can we find long-term freedom from Anger and escape its cycle?

Anger is a growing issue.

But is doesn’t improve things.

Let’s leave Anger behind.

 At the root of most negative emotions in our lives is some form of ANGER.

But most of us don’t recognize the many types of anger.  And when we do, we tend to minimize it.

Here are some symptoms of Anger.

Frustration, irritation, sarcasm, impatience or bitterness.  Rage, yelling, swearing, threatening and withdrawing.  Self-loathing, self-abuse, being critical, judging others or holding grudges.

We need to accept that Anger appears in many ways.  Sometimes internally, sometimes externally.  And we try to deal with it in stereotypical ways.

Some of us stuff our anger.  Most of us deny it.  Others express it openly.
Some express it mostly toward family. Others primarily at work.
Many of us express it while driving.  When we are hungry.  Or often when tired.

Anger is a powerful emotion and study after study shows that Anger increases stress on our mind and body.  It negatively affects our immune system.  And we all know that it harms relationships and destroys intimacy.

Our health and our relationships are critical to a meaningful life, but anger threatens them both.

So what do we do? Well, we could try the two standard approaches.

1. Minimize our challenge of anger and say it’s no big deal. 

2. Blame it on others and wait for them to fix themselves. 

But these are not realistic solutions and don’t make our life better.

So now what?

I’m hoping that you are open to find a real solution.  A solution that identifies the roots of Anger, applies truth and gives you the freedom to live an anger-free life.

But you probably don’t believe that’s possible, right?  Live an anger-free life?  That’s crazy right.

Look, I get it.  I struggled for decades with my anger hurting me daily.

Anger expresses itself in surprising ways.

Frustration, Sarcasm, Grudges, Passivity, Revenge, Criticizing, Judging.

Typical anger solutions don’t work though we keep trying them.

But what does work?


I know it seems impossible to live a life without Anger, but I can assure you that there are people who do.  And for over 20 years, I’ve been one of them. 

And it’s not because I’m some mystical Saint who has special powers.  Or some super-disciplined individual who has learned to contain/hide their anger.

I’m just a person who had such bad anger that I finally let God change me.

As I did my eyes were opened to see the costs of Anger, understand why it occured in life and how to take away its power to control.

When frustrating things happen I now know how to recognize and work through them.  I’m not perfect but I’m more in touch with my emotions and understand Anger more better than 98% of people I meet.  But I had a lot pushing me to change.

For over 20 years I struggled with anger issues.  It was something I tried to ignore, excuse and blame on others.  And all the while it made life with me more difficult.  And it had its cycles and patterns.

I would become Angry then calm down, then feel guilty about my Anger and then try to work harder as managing my anger.  Sometimes I would become deeply depressed because I felt trapped.  But within days I would return to being Angry about something.

It was during this time that I broke down.  It was ugly but I needed to hit the bottom because I was hard-headed and stubborn.  

At that low point I was hungry for freedom and I wanted to know as much as I could about Anger as an emotion.  I wanted to know why I became Angry and how I could be free.  I had always been analytical so that helped.  But it was more than me.

I am not ashamed to give the credit to God because it was through His help and wisdom that I began to find answers that worked.  

Today I live an Anger-free life.  I am 180 degrees different than before.  Even though life is still frustrating and challenging I’m rarely angry.  Even though the same things still happen,  I’m different and my anger is no longer a negative cycle in my life.

So why is this website here?

About 13 years after I found a way out of anger, I felt impressed to write a workbook using what I had learned.  I had it printed and gave it out to friends.  They loved it and I realized that it was something that could help others, not just me.

Then during the “Covid 19” crisis, I decided to convert it to an online course, believing that it offered the easiest way to help others.  And it has!

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned about removing anger from our lives.  And put it into this course so anyone can find freedom from anger in all its forms.

Is it possible to live without regular Anger in your life?


If you understand God’s purposes for Anger and His Ways to use it.


Here is what You Find in this Course

I will guide you step-by-step in how to find growing freedom from every expression and type of Anger.

There is not about theory.  Everything you learn is practical plus based on the ancient wisdom of the Bible.

As you apply this wisdom you will find new freedom, new hope and a fresh understanding about your anger.

Your self-awareness and emotional intelligence will grow.  You will see how Anger is a powerful emotion given for your good.

Plus you will see your heart and mind changing each week as you see and experience new truth.



  • Less stress on your mind and body
  • More peace in your daily life
  • Deeper relationships with others
  • Improved decision-making
  • Become a better people-person
  • Gain more self-awareness of your feelings
  • Find clarity about how anger works
  • Identify ways to use Anger for good

Here’s What You Get in this Course!

First you get multiple instructional videos that you can work through on your own schedule.  Then I include work sheets that help you review and record your observations about Anger.


  • Brief 3 to 10 minute videos on one topic
  • Watch them on any internet device
  • Watch them on your own schedule
  • Great for working with a group
  • Provides a step-by-step approach to learning more about Anger
  • Teaches you the steps to freedom from Anger
Anger has a repetitive cycle


  • Each Lesson comes with a Discovery Sheet in PDF format
  • You download each sheet and watch the video 
  • Plus I include worksheets that help you dig deeper
discovery sheet example for anger

What do other Students say after taking this Course?

I didn’t escalate in my anger like others I know, so I did not believe Anger was my issue.

But I took this course and realized Anger wears many faces and mine was less expressive, but every bit as destructive.

I valued the transparency in my group as we worked to the identify the roots of our Anger issues.

I highly recommend this course even if you believe you don’t struggle with Anger.

The questions will probe your understanding to help you identify patterns, blind spots and root issues.


Real Estate Manager

My spouse and I picked this course upon the recommendation of friends. The topics can be worked by an individual or as we did as a couple.

The Course is laid out in a combination of how God uses anger in our life, and how His anger is different from ours.

I highly recommend this Course because its focus is on you.  What you can control is yourself, not others.


Business Owner

Most men struggle with anger. Few know why. This Course will make you one of the few.

The Lord provided this Course for me in a period when I had only just begun to realize I have an anger problem. I was blowing up at my young son on a regular basis (think weekly). This Course showed me my anger wasn’t the problem. It’s the symptom.

The Course is interactive in nature with reflection questions throughout. It’s fantastic for a group study. That’s how I did it. I learned so much from other guys walking the same path I was—discovering the roots of their anger.

The fact that you are reading this review means you need this Course. You won’t regret it.


Ministry Leader

8 Module’s of Topics

Click to Explore!

Introduction to Anger

This module introduces you to basic concepts about Anger, how it is commonly expressed, what it is costing you and what options you have for transforming it. In these videos you will be surprised about how many ways we can express Anger. Plus you will see how many Anger Management approaches fail to achieve lasting change and why YIELD works!

Origins of Anger

These videos look at ancient incident of anger.  What universal wisdom can we learn from this event?  Then we look at God’s anger and see how it compares you human anger.  How can God be angry and not be like us?

Exploring My Anger

In these videos, you will learn about your Faces of Anger, your Focus of Anger and your Family Tree of Anger. The emphasis is on understanding how your Anger is expressed and how it has been influenced by others in your life.

Seeing the Roots of My Anger

In these  videos, I will show you how your Anger often comes with deep roots in our life.  Then we learn to recognize common triggers for our Anger.  Plus we will also see how your beliefs affect your Anger and how vital it is to find and build your beliefs on Truth.

Sources of My Anger

In these videos, I offer you multiple causes for Anger and encourage you to understand which of these causes are fueling the Anger in your life. We look at the power of Expectations, Fears, Hurts, Personal Rights and Physical limitations to power your Anger, plus how you can change their impact.

Solutions for My Anger

In these videos, you will expand your understanding of the powerful solutions available to you.  We will look at how Hope, Grace and Choice are powerful tools in overpowering Anger.  In one video I offer you a tool to do an “Anger Scene Investigation” where you look back after the event and identify the forces at work in your life.

Shutting the Door on Anger

In these videos, I introduce you to the amazing super power you have for ending the tyranny of anger.  And why it is so commonly misunderstood.  Then I illustrate how you can rebuild relationships plus how to survive those inevitable setbacks that we encounter in our life journey.

Living Daily Free of Anger

Our objective isn’t to “fix our Anger”.  We want to remove it from our lives so we can live with peace and joy.  In these last videos, you will learn how to  experience the abundant life your heart desires. We will look at the YIELD process and how we can leave a powerful legacy for others as we live an anger-free life.

Rob McMillen

Rob McMillen


For over 30 years, I struggled with anger both in my career and family life.  Despite success in my career, I constantly struggled with the fallout from my anger.  It led to  damaged relationships, dissatisfaction, depression and stress.

After I was forced to stepped down from a successful tech startup, I reached a crisis point.  I was tired, angry, bitter and determined to get revenge.

But before that could happen, I spiraled into a deep depression.  It was then that God began to get my attention about Anger.  I was at the point that I was ready to work on myself.

So, I began a journey.  A journey to understanding what was going on inside.  What I learned changed me powerfully.

My family began noticing changes in the first few months.  I was no longer frustrated and irritated constantly. And my responses to stress and difficult situations were calmer and kinder.  Each month I continued to change and became a more peaceful person.

Now, twenty years later, I have continued to be free of his old anger.

I could boast of my progress but I must give the full credit to God’s power and truth for the lasting changes I have experienced.  God used his power and others to help me grow.

That’s why I have such a passion to share what I have learned.  I call it the process of Yielding Anger.   I am continually experiencing an anger-free life and I want you to find that freedom too!

Real Student Comments about this Course!

I realized that the roots of my anger have affected my life for years.  And that I cannot change my actions without God’s help.

It’s a choice and it is not easy.  However it is worth it.

I see that anger destroys the best God has for you.

When you finally realize your part in the problem, then commit to walk with God in changing your actions, you will see fruit you never expected!



I never realized that all of my anger is sinful and that it is possible to rid yourself of it.

What helped me most was identifying my Anger feelings and then identifying the root issue behind it (disrespect, fear, etc.).


Business Manager

I was surprised because I had more Anger issues than I’d thought.

The course helped dig down and reveal my motives for Anger.

I would absolutely recommend this Course! It’s more of an issue than many of us think.

It’s definitely for the person who thinks they don’t have any Anger issues at all.



This Course is what You Need!

Most of us don’t realize how much anger is costing us in health and relationships.  So investing in something to help us find freedom is important to you.

But, let’s be honest.  You have another option.  Over the years I tried professional counseling for my anger.

And… counseling can work if you find the right counselor and stay with it for multiple visits.  But most of us don’t have the time or money to do months of counseling sessions.

So, before you spend that kind of money, why wouldn’t you try this Course and see if it works for you?

You get these benefits:

  • It’s simple to watch a video and answer some great questions.
  • It’s easy and takes about 15 minutes for each lesson.  
  • You can do it anywhere.    (Just connect via the internet to do each lesson, even traveling!)
  • You can ask others to do it with you and find that you get even MORE from the course by sharing your progress


So, what are You waiting for?